We love free and open web!

2013 is the Year of the VPNs


We all know it that our time is changing, the internet is developing and evolving at a very fast pace. More and more people are now spending their time online. In fact, more of us now get our news from the Internet than from newspapers and televisions, Recent trends suggest that online privacy is going to be heavily debated in the coming years and the internet as we know it may be gone forever.


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U.S. and China Summit on cyber-security soon?


For several years, the United States and China have been accusing each other of launching cyber-attacks on IT companies, both private and public ones. Tom Donilon, the national security adviser of Barack Obama recently stated that Beijing should "take serious steps to investigate these activities and end them."

The White House is even talking of "targeted and sophisticated thefts of trade secrets on a very large scale via computer intrusions coming from China."


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Why do you need a VPN today


Marissa Mayer made Yahoo's VPN famous by using it to check on the work habits of her employees. Lost amid today's VPN conversation, however, is the fact that virtual private networks are much more than just pipelines for connecting remote employees to central work servers.

VPNs are not only used by businesses as a secure means of transmitting information between branches, VPNs can be helpful tools for protecting online privacy, and you need not be a geek to enjoy their benefits.


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China's Lift of IMDB Ban Could Signal Relaxed Censorship


China has unblocked the popular entertainment website IMDB (Internet Movie Database), which has been blocked since 2010.

“I know very few cases where a site that’s been blocked for a long time is unblocked,” said Doug Young, a journalism professor at Fudan University in Shanghai and author of the new book The Party Line: How the Media Dictates Public Opinion in Modern China. “No reason is ever given. People are always left to guess.”


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Spotflux: Free VPN


The team at Spotflux doesn’t think you should pay for privacy, so they have developed a great little VPN that works on Mac, Windows, iOS, and soon Android. As with anything that’s free, there must be a downside, right? Let’s find out.


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