We love free and open web!

Safe Surfing Tips While On FREE Wi-Fi


Every place you go, every shop and gathering place you will probably see the “Free Wi-Fi,” sign but is it safe to check your email at the airport, library or Starbucks? There are risks to accessing private data while connected to an unsecured, community network. Here’s how to surf safely when you’re on public Wi-Fi.


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Debunking the VPN Myths and Misunderstandings


One of the key components of any sound telework policy is secure remote access to corporate applications and data. Remote access gives workers the ability to maintain productivity anywhere, anytime, without compromising the integrity and the safety of company information.

Virtual private network (VPN) technology has been around since the mid-1990s, when Microsoft began developing the peer-to-peer tunneling protocol. Since then, remote-access technology has become a mainstay in the enterprise.


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The Russian Government Has Started Censoring the Internet


It's no secret that the likes of China and Iran censor the internet to within an inch of its life, but now there's a new Big Brother blocking content: Russia. [...]

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Get Free VPN And $50,000 In Scholarships with HotSpot Shield


Students in the UK and the United States will be able to get AnchorFree's popular virtual private network (VPN) client Hotspot Shield for free, as long as they have a ".edu" or ".ac.uk" email address. The company launched the promotion on Monday, and at the same time announced a competition to award $50,000 in scholarships, as well as new iPhone and iPad apps.


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Iran's new crackdown on free Internet use


Iranian regime has issued draconian new directives to prevent people accessing banned websites that threaten or criticise the regime.


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